
The Korean War

After liberation from Japan, one people became two countries with different ideologies.

On June 26, 1950, one ethnic war broke out. 

It became a global war with many countries including the United States, the Soviet Union, and China participating.

Early on Sunday, June 25, 1950, the North Korean army crossed the 38th parallel and invaded the South.

The South Korean army continued to retreat in the sudden attack.

Four days after the war began, Seoul was taken away and the entire area except Gyeongsang Province was occupied by the North Korean military in just two months.

President.Lee called the United Nations for help.

General MacArthur made his landing in Incheon, crossed the 38th parallel, and continued to head north.

When China joined the war, Korea was deprived of Seoul.

So China and North Korea, the UN and the Republic of Korea continued to fight.

And the truce talks began in a bid to prevent further sacrifices.

The three-year war ended on July 27, 1953.

Millions of people were killed in the Korean War and all the facilities of the two Koreas, such as factories, railroads, and roads, were destroyed, becoming like the Paleolithic Age.

A peace agreement is needed to ensure that the war will no longer exist in South Korea. We must end the war.

Peaceful unification in Korea will achieve world peace 

And here is the beginning of peace.

A peace international law is needed for peace to occur and They must travel around the world and make peace agreements. 

Here is the messenger of peace.