
Peace Advocate Man Hee lee

< Man Hee Lee interviews in the media >

     In the modern society, people communicate with what we call ‘electrical products’. Before the communication through the electromagnetic wave was made, people communicated with their words or letters. This was the fastest way to send a message. So before, it took time and effort to understand each other. But since the technology developed, we now can easy call or communicate with friends far across the world. This was the method people started to understand each other and know many things that happen around the world. This is why the internet and communication is very important. Knowing other counties and understanding the culture made people see a new direction. But most of all, all the people want peace. Peace is the common wish and the hope for every nation. The nation that we have in common is the human being.

     To achieve the same hope of ourselves, internet and the broadcast system can be a good tool. The peace leader and the peace advocate Mr. Man Hee Lee is now speaking up for peace. He goes to many places throughout the world were peace is needed. Whenever he goes to a country many cameras and flashlight greets him. The press is doing a good part promoting the peace work that Man Hee Lee does. Moreover, Man Hee Lee also asks reporters to spread the news of peace to the people in their nations. Because this is what the reporters have to do. Let the people know about peace to make a good influence to them. If the people do not know about what they have to work for, how cans something happen?

     The world is changing though the media literally. Whenever Mr. Lee makes a speech or a lecture through the media, people hope to hear his thoughts more. So all the time, broadcasting time is extended. What the people want to hear and feel isn’t it the sound of the heart beat which peace made us? The clam about peace is the key of happiness. The peace leader wants and is making a better world for us. And in many places of the world, people are changing, also their hearts.

Picture source:


Small change can make a big difference

     Can kids Influence change in our world? There was an experiment at Khao Galli, Mumbai to find out this change. There is a flea market in Mumbai where people come and go through this place. In the market there were many things that people sold. Like stuff to purchase and also especially food that people sell on the streets. So there was lots of trash on the streets. Near the waste basket there were trash everywhere spread all over the ground. No one bothered to pick the trash up, just followed what others did and threw like everyone else. But at that time, a child started to pick up the trash one by one. People started to notice what this child was doing. Watching this, people became to change one by one. With the results of this experiment, you can check the video above.

     Adults teach children what to do and how to behave. But when children do something that everyone don’t bother or think about, it makes the adults ashamed. This is why the adults moved and made action. Like this video, small thing can make people change. But the important thing is, is it a good effect or bad? A start of a good thing can make a good result. But if it is bad, bad thing can spread and influence others more easily. Think well and make good actions. Although we should not always live to show others or live thinking what others think, sometimes to start and be the beginning of a good influence, is a start for the best. Think and do what you can do. It can change the world.

Source: Hindustan Unilever


The true teacher

     In Korea, teacher’s day is the 15th of May. When is teacher’s day in your country? People from Red Cross started to find their teachers who taught them and gave them presents. This started in the 8th of May 1958. It was the beginning of teacher’s Day. It could have been the 8th of May since now, but in Korea people started to celebrate on the 15th starting in the year of 1965. The reason that Korean changed the date is because this is the day which a great teacher was born. He was a king in Joseon Dynasty and is famous still now with his achievement. He made ‘Hunminjeongeum’ which is the basic of Korean. The king’s name is ‘Sejoung.’ People really respect this king and think he was a real teacher to all the people. That is why still now many people respect him. This is why Korea’s Teacher’s Day is based on Sejoung’s birthday.

< King Se-Joung >

     These days, on teacher’s Day, many students visit there teacher who they have in their hearts and minds. Teachers who are we can respect. Do you have a teacher who changed your teens and helped you? If you do, you really met a good person in your life. People seek for a good teacher who can lead to a right way. Who is the teacher that we can follow? If King sejoung was the sample for a good teacher, we should meet and follow a person who is like respectful like this. Who is he or she? Did you find a teacher who is a true teacher yet?


Man-Hee Lee, on a peace trip! -4-

<meeting with the deputy premier of Papua New Guinea> 

     Man-Hee Lee is now famous for world peace activist throughout the world, and many politicians and religious leaders compete to invite Chairman Lee to their nations. This time, he was invited to the prime minister of Papua New Guinea. He was deeply interested in Chairman Lee’s activities. When the peace delegacies and Chairman Lee arrived at Port Moresby (capital of Papua New Guinea), the officers led them to the sweet room where only VIPs such as prime minister stay, and treated like the national guest. As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the local press reporters were already waiting for him for the interview. Chairman Lee shared his vision of world peace to them and said many celebrities and politicians around the world will cooperate with him to achieve world peace. Not only the reporters, but the religious leaders also yearned to meet him, so they held a meeting with Chairman Lee and listened to his message.
<making a speech infront of religious leaders>
     Because of Prime minister’s ill-health, the deputy premier met Chairman Lee instead. When he heard about Chairman Lee’s history as a soldier during Korean War, the importance of ending the war and starting world peace, and how he started this peace trip, the deputy premier showed deep impression. Chairman Lee emphasized the importance of the peace contract which every leaders of the world should sign. The deputy premier replied he will hold a peace walk with the youths.
<Chairman Lee in Pangiya>

     By the prime minister’s invitation, Chairman Lee went to Pangiya. It is a home town of Prime Minister. They were guided by prime minister’s aide. When Chairman Lee and peace delegacies arrived, all religious leaders and over 5000 villagers welcomed them. They were waiting for the delegacies 2 weeks ago. They prepared their traditional dances and gave Chairman Lee a hat and headband that was only given to king.

     It was probably the best welcome that Chairman Lee had during the trip. The people of Papua New Guinea truly loved and waited for peace to come. In my guess, this country will be the quickest peace come true in the universe.


We all want to be something

< Flower >
Kim Chun Su
Before I called his name
he was just a
When I called his name
he came to me
as a flower
Like I called his name
Someone call my name
with a suitable light and scent
I want to be a flower of his too
We all want to be some thing
you to me, me to you
I want to be a unforgettable glance

     We all want to be something to others. Like the fox and the little prince, and the flower in this poem. There are lot of people and lot of things in the world. But if we have a meaning to others, it is a different story. The same old thing or person that you saw a million times looks totally different. With love and respect to others the world can change to be a better place than before. Who is your flower? Are you a flower to another person? Make interest to others.



Hello and smile!

     In modern life, we meet and communicate with many people that we see. Also by the internet, we talk to people who we don’t know, or read articles what others write. Like this, the scale of the conversation net is spreading out massively. In this kind of society, we face to personal problems like, individualism or egoism. I am the king and boss of my life, and only what matters is me. Only the person that I care is the ones only that I know, or even this doesn’t happen at all. By these problems, the society is becoming more barren. A place with no love is the society we live. Because this is the background of every human being these days, crime comes occur.
     If we know the problem, we can try to solve it. Recognizing and acting is the key to change. Say hello and welcome others near you. If you make a smile, there is no one in the world that will not like it. A smile makes the other person to smile back. But why we are not doing it? I cannot live a life only for others, but we can try to help and make a better world around us. Do what others hope to do to you. If I change and be the light for others, soon the dark will light up soon.


A friend in need is a friend indeed!


     There is a saying, “If you have one good friend in your life, your life is a succeed life.” A good friend in your life is a good mate that can lead you to have a better life. When a person goes through life, unfortunately there is always pain and sorrow that comes along. Although there are things that make the life happy, there are also other sides in life. So when someone comes to this point, it takes time to suffer and get over this term. If we are going to go through it, why don’t we beat it with others help? It will be much easier to get over what faces you. Rather, it can be a good side of life instead of the bad, because you are going it with your friend. 
     Do you have a friend who is there when you need help? Is there a friend that can hold your hand when you need it? Look around you. There are many people who you can find near you. If you give them a hand, they will give you yours. Be a friend that you want to be. A friend who is there like you can be a friend that you looked for.

Source: ©


Peace in Mindanao

     Do you know the person in the middle in this picture? He is the one who helped to conclude a peace treaty in Mindanao, Philippines. This was the end of the religious conflict over 40 years. He did what the Philippines government couldn’t do for a long time. He went some. He is the peace leader today in the world, who works for peace, Man Hee Lee.

     He works in a private peace organization though out the world. He visited America, Europe, Africa, South America, South east America and many other countries doing peace movements. He goes around the world meeting the presidents and religious leaders to gather their hearts about peace. To convince people sign on the written agreement for the combination of the religion and the cessation of war.

     Mr. Lee is an octogenarian. Can you believe this? With his activities he doesn’t look like a person with his age. With a few visit abroad, he is known as ‘world peace leader’, ‘peace maker’. The reason he went to Philippines Mindanao is that, one of the archbishop ask Mr. Lee to come to Mindanao to help him a few times before.

     Mr. Lee led the peace walk in Mindanao though out the city. It was the first peace walk with the students from Mindanao state university, International youth association, and with religious leaders over 1000 people participated.

     The help that Mr. Lee gave to the people in Philippines moved the hearts of the citizens. This gave hope and peace to people so from the media, press, and to the broadcasting programs peace movement rose.

     After the peace walk, the participants gathered in a hotel and took a speech about peace together. Everyone gave a standing ovation when Man Hee Lee spoke about the realizable plan for peace. The leader of the Catholic said “I want to work with Mr. Lee”, and with the Islam leader they signed the written agreement about ‘the combination of the religion and the cessation of war’. The promise, not make the conflict again, made the historical peace agreement a success.

     It became a big issue about this peace agreement because it was an agreement the peace leader from another country made. If it wasn’t Man Hee lee, Mindanao would maybe still suffer in war and conflicts. If so, there will be still tears and pain from people who wants peace. For the people who want peace all over the world, I hope Man Hee lee, the peace leader can be the bridge and be the help for everyone. And we must help him to make the world a better place with happiness and laughter.


Speak the truth of one’s heart

     There are many languages in this world. Some countries have their own language or use the common language which their nations use. The word is a powerful thing that can change the world. It is a way to communicate with others, and express one’s thoughts. By speaking and communicating in a language, people share their feelings or hearts. Each language has the feeling of the word. In Korean, 사랑해 means ‘I love you’. To Koreans 사랑해 expresses one’s love to another person. It is just enough to only say the word, because it has the meaning all inside. But in the word ‘I love you’, it has the same meaning for ‘love’, but does it have the same feeling? Like this, we can see that language has the power to feel feeling or to make it feel. So especially, translating is the main thing to communicate with others. But even with this barrier, one’s heart can be send to others with the speaking of truth. This is what is happening now.

     Man Hee Lee the peace leader is spreading words though out the media and in the air. This can be difficult for others because of the words but the reason people understands and get moved is because, of the truth that makes people laugh and happy. Man Hee Lee is speaking with his heart and the truth that he believes in. Only within his words, the people who are listening may already have peace in their hearts. This is the seed and the start of peace. Starting to share and sending the light can be a start for peace.

Man-Hee Lee, en un viaje de la paz! -3-

     Antes de continuar, quiero hablar de la importancia de este viaje es la paz. Usted podría pensar que es sólo un viaje y no hay cosa tan importante al respecto. Si lo hace, se echa en falta un punto importante aquí. Este viaje no es sobre el viaje de vacaciones de Man-Hee Lee, o simplemente la satisfacción de las celebridades. Él es en realidad tratando de hacer la paz mundial en la realidad y que está haciendo todo por sí mismo en el voluntariado. Un anciano de ochenta y tres años de edad que sólo posee una organización privada está trabajando por la paz mundial!

     Su primer viaje fue en Europa, segundo viaje fue en Estados Unidos, y el tercer viaje visitó África. África es donde una guerra civil severa está todavía en curso. En Siria, 70.000 personas y 2.000 soldados estadounidenses perdieron la vida fuera de la guerra. En el Líbano, 250.000 personas murieron y 10 millones fueron heridos. En Palestina, 20 000 personas fueron masacradas. No sólo los países, sino también a otros países como Angola, Sudán, Ruanda, Uganda y Mozambique sigue sufriendo la guerra. Por lo tanto, la gente en África fueron anhelo de paz y ansiosamente buscaban un líder de paz como Man-Hee Lee.

<de reunirse con el presidente de Etiopía>

     Por el etíope Asistente Especial petición sincera de la Presidencia, Man-Hee Lee primero fue a Etiopía y celebró una reunión de uno-a-uno con el presidente. Luego, se fue a Sudáfrica y se reunió con el presidente de Sudáfrica. Man-Hee Lee pidió al presidente a firmar el tratado de paz para poner fin a la guerra, y el presidente aceptó de buen grado en su petición.

<la reunión con el Presidente de Sudáfrica>

     Además, visitó el parque memorial veterano de guerra y se reunió con los 20 veteranos de guerra. Mostró su agradecimiento por la lucha contra la guerra de Corea y les dio unas cajas de compensación. Además, visitó el campo y le dio útiles escolares a los niños.

<reunirse con los líderes cristianos de Sudáfrica>

     Man-Hee Lee también fue invitado a la sede de la Asamblea Nacional de líderes cristianos e hizo un discurso sobre la paz mundial, y las entrevistas de los medios de comunicación nunca se detuvo.

     A pesar de que se trataba de una apretada agenda, que hizo un trabajo maravilloso. Yo, una vez más, quedé muy impresionado y sorprendido por su actividad paz. Espero que todos los presidentes del mundo se firmará el contrato de la paz!


Man-Hee Lee, on a peace trip! -3-

     Before I go on, I want to talk about how important this peace trip is. You might think it is just a trip and there is so important thing about it. If you do, you are missing a big point here. This trip isn’t about Man-Hee Lee’s vacation trip or just meeting the celebrities. He is ACTUALLY trying to make world peace in reality and he is doing it all by himself in volunteer. An eighty-three year old man who only owns a private organization is working for world peace!

     His first trip was in Europe, second trip was in United States, and the third trip he visited Africa. Africa is where a severe civil war is still going on. In Syria, 70,000 people and 2000 American soldiers lost their lives out of war. In Lebanon, 250,000 were killed and 10,000,000 were injured. In Palestine, 20,000 people were massacred. Not only those countries, but also other countries such as Angola, Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, and Mozambique are still suffering from war. Therefore, people in Africa were longing for peace and eagerly looked for a peace leader like Man-Hee Lee.

<meeting with the President of Ethiopia>

     By the Ethiopian Special Assistant to the President’s earnest request, Man-Hee Lee first went to Ethiopia and held a one-on-one meeting with the president. Then, he went to South Africa and met the president of South Africa. Man-Hee Lee requested the president to sign the peace contract to end the war, and the president gladly agreed on his request.

<meeting with the President of South Africa>

     Besides, he visited the war veteran memorial park and met the 20 war veterans. He showed his gratitude to them for fighting the Korean War and gave them a compensation funds. Moreover, he visited the country side and gave school supplies to the children.

<meeting with Christian leaders of South Africa> 

     Man-Hee Lee also was invited to the National Assembly building from Christian leaders and made a speech about world peace, and interviews from the media never stopped.

   Even though it was a tight schedule, he did a wonderful job. I, once again, was very impressed and amazed by his peace activity. I hope that all the presidents in the world would sign the peace contract!


World Peace declaration with the International youth group

     Who is the person who can declare peace in this world? Has anyone tried it before? With the declaration of world peace in Korea, world peace has started when the declaration was announced. To move the world, to change the world, youth is the key of the future. Despite the tragic history that has made us now, with this peace movement, the world is changing. In the center Man Hee Lee helps and makes hope for people. With his speech in the start of the peace declaration, this has a very important meaning because the declaration itself is like a shining light to all the darkness around us. Many youth followed and said they will join this movement. The future that we can see is the future that we can make.

     Man Hee Lee could only do this because he is the real father of all youth and the people in the future. The one who cares and thinks about the youth like children who has to be cared is him.


Man-Hee Lee, on a peace trip! -2-

As you all know in the previous blog about Man-Hee Lee’s first peace trip, this time, I will be writing about his second trip to Europe and US.

     Man-Hee Lee went on a second trip on July, 2012. Once again, he visited Europe. He first went to Belgium and held a seminar. Hundreds of people attended on the seminar and the attendees cheered him greatly with a palm tree branch in their hands. Then he went to Germany and headed to United States. 

    Man-Hee Lee decided to start his journey in US in the center of the world’s politic and economy-New York. When he arrived to New York, surprisingly, many newspaper, magazine, TV station including NBC broadcaster interviewed him in rows. Even 10 minute broadcast quantity was extended to 40minutes by the requests of audiences.

<Man Hee Lee on NBC broadcast>

     On July 14th, Man-Hee Lee held a seminar in the New York Times center. The people who wanted to attend the seminar were in long line. They say it is a rare case for people standing in line in the midst of Manhattan. One of the attendees, Mr.B said, “astonished by his speech, and I thank Chairman Lee who came all the way to US and made a speech.”

<people lining in the New York Times center>

Man Hee Lee & Aung San Suu Kyi, the meaningful meeting of two peace leaders

     To make peaceful world and to bring Peace to our society, There are people who are enthusiastically working for peace to bring it. They are, right here, Man Hee Lee and Aung San Suu Kyi.

     Aung San Suu Kyi is a prominent figure Known as democracy leader who is working for liberation and peace without using any violence and weapons. Suu Kyi have multitude numerous speeches calling of freedom and democracy even she was held under house arrest. She has Continuously Carried out a nonviolent movement of Myanmar's democracy. Herself is inspiring lots of people and giving a hope to the world.

     Man Hee Lee has visited many country clubs in Europe, America, Africa to meet the world leaders and the religious leaders to let them think of the aspirations of world peace and liberation. All Who Have leaders met him so far That Agreed With the message "No War, World Peace." And Also They are calling for becoming a family for world peace and liberation.

     Man Hee Lee and Aung San Suu Kyi are in common. It is that They are on the front line to cry for Peace and working for it with endless passion. We all need to express our gratitude to them about the fact.


Man Hee Lee, en un viaje de la paz -2-

     Como todos ustedes saben, en el blog anterior sobre el primer viaje de la paz Man-Hee Lee, esta vez, voy a escribir acerca de su segundo viaje a Europa y Estados Unidos.

     Man-Hee Lee se fue en un segundo viaje en julio de 2012. Una vez más, él visitó Europa. Primero fue a Bélgica e hizo un seminario. Cientos de personas asistieron al seminario y los asistentes enormemente ovacionado con una rama de palma en sus manos. Luego se fue a Alemania y se fue a América.

     Man-Hee Lee decidió comenzar su carrera en Estados Unidos. en el centro de la política y la economía de Nueva York en el mundo. Cuando llegó a Nueva York, de manera sorprendente, muchos periódicos, revistas, estaciones de televisión, incluyendo la estación de NBC lo entrevistaron en filas. Incluso la cantidad de largos emisión de 10 minutos a 40 minutos para las solicitudes de audiencias.

<Man-Hee Lee for distributing the NBC>

     El 14 de julio, el Hombre-Hee Lee celebró un seminario en el centro de New York Times. Las personas que querían participar en el seminario estuvieron en línea larga. Ellos dicen que es raro que la gente de pie en línea en el medio de Manhattan caso. Uno de los asistentes, Mr.B dijo, "sorprendió por su discurso, y agradezco el presidente Lee que vino todo el camino a Estados Unidos, Y pronunció un discurso."

<gente haciendo cola en el centro de New York Times>


The truth

     Many people try to follow the fashion in trend. They pay much money, just to look cool and to show off others. But this is just a temporary thing. As the time goes by, another fashion will be the trend. Trying to catch the things that disappears into the air is nothing. It is just a thing that gives you satisfaction only for a while. Their satisfaction lasts just at that time. But what do we try to hold on the things in our inner sides? What do you work for that? The things that make myself and others happy for a long decades? The work for peace?

     Man Hee Lee is a peace leader who is working for peace. He is really traveling around to spread  the word that we need peace in our world. For the thing that others could not achieve, he works for this as his job. In many countries Man Hee Lee meets many leaders of the religion or meets people from the broadcasting station. Everyone wants to hear what he talks about peace. Because of the power and honestly he has in his words, people want to hear more what he says. So when he is on air, his speech time is always extended. Because people wants to hear more about what he says. The word what people want, but afraid to speak into words. People think peace is just a thing that is no sure. This is because nobody achieved this before. By hearing Mr. Lee's speech about world peace, it is like the peace already came to this world. This is the truth and what we have to work for.


Peace is coming to us

     How do you think what is a real effort to Achieve something? If you want to have a donut, you need to do some actions to Have It. It can not be a right answer. That's Just a wish for something without any effort. Likewise, acerca World Peace, it can not be Achieved with only a wish or desire. But Here is someone Who Have an effort made for Peace for long time. Man Hee Lee is one of Peace advocates, who is working hard for Peace. Even though he looks old, I've visited a plenty of countries and Given a speech about "No War and World Peace."

<Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate with two re-known religious leaders in Miindanao>

     As one of the results I've put much into it, have started peace in Mindanao Island in the Philippines, a region with a long history stricken by conflict of religious Between Catholics and Muslims. A forum to discuss a solution of peace Brought together the representative of Catholicism and the representative of Islam and Man Hee Lee to one place. The Representatives of Catholicism and Islam united to sign the peace agreement ending the war and for Achieving World Peace and Pledged to work together with man Hee Lee. The Peace of flowers are coming into bloom in the Mindanao where it Seems to not happen.

     Really, Peace is coming to us and this world. It's time for us to work like real Toward Peace peace advocate.

Photo Resouce:

Man Hee Lee, en un viaje de la paz -1-

     Man-Hee Lee, con lleno de esperanza para la paz mundial, estaba en un viaje de paz a Europa en 2012. En primer lugar, visitó Alemania, Frankfurt, y asistió a una conferencia. Luego se fue a la estación y tenía una entrevista en el programa de TV. Luego se reunió con el ex Primer Ministro de Alemania del Este que habían influido mucho en la reunificación de Alemania. Él tenía un gran interés en lo que está haciendo el Sr. Man-Hee Lee y su visión de unir a Corea del Norte y del Sur. Probablemente porque Alemania tuvo la misma historia de la división, el ex primer ministro mostró empatía y alentó el Sr. Lee y los enviados de paz.

<reunirse con el ex primer ministro de Alemania Oriental>

     El otro día, él continuó teniendo una entrevista con el canal de televisión y el periódico, y en el último día de Europa, que visitó el padre superior del monasterio en Austria Gottweig.

<visitar padre superior del monasterio Gottweig>

     Aunque el Sr. Man-Hee Lee no es un presidente coreano o funcionario público u obtener el apoyo del gobierno, que ha hecho un montón de cosas durante el viaje a Corea. ¿No es esta la verdadera figura del patriota y un líder de la paz? Creo que un líder que realmente ama a su país debe hacer lo que el señor Man-Hee Lee hizo por su país.


Man-Hee Lee, on a peace trip! -1-

     Man-Hee Lee, with full of hope of world peace, went on a peace trip to Europe in 2012. First, he visited Germany, Frankfurt, and attended a conference. Then he went to the broadcasting station and had an interview on the TV program. Next, he met the former prime minister of East Germany who had greatly influenced on reuniting Germany. He had a great interest of what Mr. Man-Hee Lee is doing and his vision of uniting North and South Korea. Probably, because Germany had the same history of division, the former prime minister showed empathy and encouraged Mr. Lee and the emissaries of peace. 

<meeting with former prime minister of East Germany>

     The rest of the days, he continued to have an interview from the TV station and newspaper, and on the last day of Europe, he visited father superior of the Gottweig monastery in Austria.

<visiting a father superior of the Gottweig monastery>

     Even though Mr. Man-Hee Lee is not a Korean president or government officer or getting a support from the government, he has done lots of things for Korea during the trip. Isn’t this the true figure of patriot and a peace leader? I think a leader who truly loves his nation must do what Mr. Man-Hee Lee did for his country.


3 things that brings world peace

     To achieve something big, there has to be a definite material for this. In a company if some problems happen, to find out the reason why it happened is the key to solve it. And just sitting by and watching doesn’t help a thing. Solution has to come out as soon as possible to make no more mistakes. That means to solve some problems it has to be detailed and realizable. The ideas and thought that are useless is no use. It is just talking, talking over and over the same problem. You won’t go anywhere just where you started before. This is same with peace. To bring peace and to stop the war was human’s assignment since the start of human was created. Because the greed and possessive about what people want, made “War.” To solve this, many wise men spoke with their knowledge and wisdom but by defining the reality, peace never came. Many spoke about ‘Love’ but how did that achieve? In this world, we need something better than just talking. Action is the thing that we need and the thing that we shall make an effort of.
< Man Hee Lee the peace leader >

    Man Hee Lee is the peace leader who really achieves what he says and makes it into action. And what he claimed for world peace is different than other peace leaders before. Because he’s opinion for world peace is certain and with confident. Mr. Lee claims with three things world peace can come to real life.

     First, with the International youth group peace will come. The future belongs to the youth. With the wisdom from the generations before, the youth is the people who can change the world by their hands. It is literally, the world’s future is in youth’s hands. If the youth awakes from the sights only for themselves, it will make a massive power that can change the world.

     Second, the International women group has also part achieving peace. If war occurs who will die and suffer? Many sons and daughters will be the victims of war. Death is only left for them. To stop this mom’s hearts and feeling must be gathered to prevent this. Which mother will want her son to die in a battle? Therefore the parts of woman’s are also very important too.

     Third, with the heavenly culture, peace will come. The world is rotten and decayed because of the culture what humans made. There or many things that people are proud of but still the culture itself has changed because of human’s bad. If this culture is changed to the world that it was before like the heaven, the world will have peace.

     Man Hee Lee believes from these three things peace will come to place. He declared how to achieve it and this is the key for world peace. Many people are starting to believe in his word because it really is changing the world. Are you waiting for peace? Then how about making it happen together? Peace will and come soon, it is only the matter of time. So will you be in it or out of it?


Man-Hee Lee, llevó el caso de Corea del Día de la Independencia

     15 de agosto es el Día de Corea-en la Independencia de Corea, "광복절." El significado de "광복절" es una restauración de la luz. Corea fue una vez bajo control por el Japón durante más de 40 años. Durante el período de la conquista de Japón-, muchos coreanos intentaron movimiento independiente. El movimiento más conocido es el 01 de marzo el movimiento en 1919, que es otra gran fiesta en Corea. Y en 1945, Corea finalmente se convirtió en un país independiente.

     Man-Hee Lee, un soldado veterano de la Guerra de Corea, que conoce bien acerca de la miseria de la guerra, dirigió el festival independiente para conmemorar a aquellos que sacrificaron para Corea. Muchos bailes tradicionales coreanos hermosas, obras de teatro, orquesta, funcionamiento artes marciales, etc se llevaron a cabo y voló un extra-grande huella digital coreano bandera hasta en el cielo.

<La bandera coreana huella digital>

     La huella digital fue sellado por 17.337 ciudadanos. Increíble ¿no? Es que ahora figuran en el Libro Guinness. Todos los que participaron en el evento fue todo tocado por el esfuerzo de un solo hombre. Como el amor por la patria, Man-Hee Lee es un verdadero patriota y paz líder de este tiempo.

Man-Hee Lee, led the event of Korean Independence Day

     August 15th is Korean Independence Day-in Korean, “광복절.” The meaning of “광복절” is a restoration of light. Korea was once under control by Japan for over 40 years. During the Japan-conquering period, many Koreans tried independent movement. The most well-known movement is March 1st movement in 1919 which is another big holiday in Korea. And in 1945, Korea finally became an independent country.

     Man-Hee Lee, a veteran Korean War soldier who knows well about the misery of war, led the Independent festival to commemorate those who sacrificed for Korea. Many beautiful Korean traditional dances, plays, orchestra, martial arts performance, etc. were held and flew an extra-large thumbprint Korean flag up in the sky. 

<The thumbprint Korean flag>

   The thumbprint was sealed by 17,337 citizens. Amazing isn’t it? It is now listed in the Guinness Book. Everyone who participated in the event was all touched by the effort of one man. As a love for country, Man-Hee Lee is a true patriot and peace leader of this time.


Declaration of Unification

     Korea was a colony in 1910 ~ 1930 for almost 30 years under Japan. Many Koreans wanted freedom to find their country back. Yoo-Gwan-Soon, Ann-Jung-Gun and other people shouted freedom and was a patriotic martyr to the country. Despite with all the efforts for Korea, with the help of the America, Korea became one again. But this term was too short, because Korea became two, The North and South with different thought about politics. The happiness becoming one was too short for Koreans. Families and friends were tearing apart with none of their wills.

     At the time when Korea was a colony, 33 people got together to declare peace and unification for Korea. Although they were the leaders of a religious reason, not everyone was in the same religion. They gathered there hearts and minds to one purpose. To make Korea unified. This also happened recently.

< The declaration of Unification from 33 people >

    Man Hee Lee the peace leader suggested this idea to others from all kinds of religion. From this 33 people who love their nations wants unification though peace. This was the will and wish of the Koreans. Man Hee Lee and the other 32 people represented it. In the declaration, ‘Third, We must stop to aim guns at each other because we are one family, nation. People from North or South must can come and go.” Isn’t this a thoughtful and needs lots for courage to do this kind of things?

< Man Hee Lee reading the declaration of peace >

The world is changing now to a wave called “peace.” And the leader like as captain is Man Hee Lee the peace leader. Because he can do what the world wants, and do want he says, all the crew and people who watch waits what will happen next. It will be also another peace to come one step to the world. Everybody is excited about it!



El líder Peader influyente, Man Hee Lee

De izquierda a derecha: Mujer paz activista Kim y conocido defensor de la paz Man Hee Lee

     La isla de Mindanao se encuentra en la parte sur de las Filipinas. Se trata de una región en la que los musulmanes llama cuentas por alrededor de 5 % en la población de Filipinas, el 85% de la población cree en la católica como " Moro " es en vivo. Durante 40 años, desde 1968 hasta ahora, la lucha por la independencia de los musulmanes de estos. El conflicto armado, pero no constantemente entre islámica y católica. Por medio de un conflicto , las personas que fueron víctimas de alguna vez parece 150000. Sin embargo , la chispa de la paz fue sacado a muchos años de las zonas de conflicto, 24 días salen en enero, en la que los representantes del Islam y de los representantes de la Iglesia Católica , que dan la Región Autónoma de Mindanao Islam se ha unido inmediatamente. Es una cosa que el final de la guerra , de acuerdo a un tratado de paz en el mundo. En el fondo de estos acuerdos de paz , el hecho de que no son coreanos , ¿sabes?

     24 días salen en enero , la misión de las organizaciones del movimiento de paz de paz del Instituto de la cultura privada vacío , la paz y la liberación Lee Mani representante del mundo ,

Visitado Filipinas Mindanao , junto con más de 1.000 líderes religiosos más allá de las facciones y la religión de los jóvenes de la región que estoy promoviendo el movimiento de la paz a pie.

    Y luego, después de que el ejercicio de caminar , esto es representativo , y le hicieron firmar fue preparado por el asiento junto con los delegados de cada religión a la "declaración de acuerdo de paz. " Sin embargo, es un acuerdo en el ámbito privado , el gobierno filipino ha reconocido la autonomía de Mindanao Musulmán Frente Moro de Liberación Islámica se convirtió en el catalizador del acuerdo para desarmar gradualmente no hay error.



Man-Hee Lee, un árbitro que puso fin al conflicto en Mindanao

  Man-Hee Lee, un líder de la paz de la organización pacifista privado, jugó un papel importante para poner fin al conflicto en Mindanao. Esta visita fue a petición del arzobispo Antonio Ledesma Cagayan de Oro.

    Mindanao es una isla de Filipinas, donde los conflictos religiosos graves tuvieron lugar hace más de 40 años. Principalmente, las peleas eran entre el Islam y católica. Era tan tenso que no era seguro para los ciudadanos vivir. Las calles estaban llenas de soldados y pistola de tiro todos los días. Sin embargo, los líderes religiosos de católicos (el ex arzobispo Fernando R. Capalla de Representante católico) y el Islam (Esmael G. Mangudadatu del epresentante Islam y Maguindanao gobernador del Islam) firmaron el tratado de paz.

     El ex presidente de Filipinas expresó su gratitud hacia el hombre-Hee Lee representante 
diciendo que él ha hecho lo que el presidente no podía hacer.

    Además, el 24 de enero al 25 de Man-Hee Lee y emisarios de paz establecen una caminata por la paz con cerca de 1.000 líderes religiosos y jóvenes de la localidad más allá de la religión y la facción. Después de que él la Paz Walk, todo tipo de líderes religiosos firmaron el acuerdo de paz y acordaron para poner fin a la guerra y buscar la paz mundial. Este acuerdo de paz fue un catalizador decisivo para el gobierno filipino aceptar la autonomía Islámica de Mindanao.

     Man-Hee Lee representante habló de su aspiración a la paz que va a continuar con la actividad de la paz con todas las naciones y la reunificación pacífica de Corea.

El líder de la paz mundial Hombre Hee Lee

   En los últimos días y hasta ahora mucha gente quería, por tanto, la paz trabajó para ella. Para hacer un mundo mejor, para no dejar un mundo que tiene la guerra y los conflictos de nuestra próxima generación, muchas personas gritaron paz en este mundo. Para dar el crédito por estos trabajos duros, muchas de las personas que recibieron el premio Nobel de la Paz. Pero hay una cosa que tenemos que pensar en. ¿Hay paz en este mundo ahora? ¿Terminó la guerra y está allí sólo la paz y la risa en el aire? Esta pregunta en sí es difícil, cuando pensamos en la realidad. Por supuesto, tal vez la paz es aquí más que antes, pero aún así el mechón odio todavía alrededor. 

     Hay un hombre que está recibiendo una atención en estos días. Su nombre es 'Man Hee Lee ", el líder de la paz. A pesar de que es coreano, que trabaja por la paz, no sólo en Corea, sino también para el mundo. Porque la paz es lo que quiere la gente.Si hay sólo es la paz en un lugar, ¿cómo podemos decir que es la paz?

     Sr. Lee es un veterano de la guerra en la guerra de Corea que ocurrió hace casi 60 años. Experimentó una batalla en el que nadie sabe que va a vivir o no. La batalla tenía balas y las bombas que volaban alrededor del aire.¿Ganó el Norte o en el Sur? Antes de discutir sobre el ganador, tenemos que pensar en la guerra que llevó a la juventud, la familia y amigos hasta la muerte. ¿Es esta la manera de hacer la paz?Sin duda que no. El final de la guerra es sólo la muerte. El Sr. Lee también niega la guerra y no quieren que suceda en otros países también. El que entró en una guerra antes de que sabe lo que se siente al enfrentarse a la muerte de otros que respiraba y vivía a lo largo de un lado. El Sr. Lee quiere un mundo que está lleno de amor en vez de la lucha y la guerra.

     Después que el Sr. Lee trabajó para hacer la paz en este mundo al detener a la guerra que aún está sucediendo. Comenzando con el trabajo voluntario en Corea, extendió su trabajo en todo el mundo. También había muchas ayudas de otros países como Estados Unidos y Etiopía y otros. Dar las gracias a la ayuda y consolar a las víctimas de la guerra, el Sr. Lee tiene muchos eventos o da los ayuda.

     El mundo ha cambiado y está cambiando. Hay muchas manos que hacen estos cambios. Si hay obras y el esfuerzo como el señor Lee la paz llegará más rápido de lo que pensamos. Así que vamos a trabajar y ayudar a que esto suceda. La paz no es una cosa que es una cosa de ahora. Podemos lograrlo como el Sr. Lee por hacer lo mejor en la casa de uno. Si todos tenemos esta clase de corazón y la mente nos enfrentaremos a la paz pronto.

Our hope is unification and peace with the peace leader’s hand!

 Think that you are a girl who lives in Mindanao Philippines. The religious conflict is happening everywhere you go, even in the streets. What will the living of the resident be like? Imagine people with their guns and weapon beware of others. The children who live in that area will be full of fear and terror instead of hope and joy. They will want the war to end and hope the peace comes to their lives. Free from the guns and hatred.

<Mr. Lee signing to the peace treaty with the leaders of Islam and Catholic>

  Also Korea is now divided into the North and South. To be unified and be one national is everyone’s  dream. Like the peace leader Man Hee Lee, who helped to make Mindanao’s peace treaty can also bring peace to the divided peninsula. Because he knows the way peace can come to us. The Mindanao war lasted for over 40 years. Also after the Korea War, it has been over 60 years of division in Korea. But this will not last long. Mr. Lee brings peace though out his words and works with the material of the sky to fulfill peace. Peace will come so soon.