
For the world without war!

     Some days ago, I was talking with my friend. He was from another country. To learn Korean he came to Korea, and was talking in Korean. To speak another language is not easy, so to speak in that way, it was very interesting. But he told me another story that made me more interesting. One day when he was talking to a Korean friend, all of a sudden, the topic became ‘Historic’. Because he was from Mongolia, Genghis Khan became the subject. With all the talking about war and the victory that he made, suddenly they were talking about the war in this century. And the words started to start with “What if.” My friend told me that the most interesting question was, “What if we meet in the century of Genghis Khan? Do you think we still could be friends?” Well, because my friend and his friend are friends now, but could have that happened in the past? Frankly I think no. Because of no communication and also the desire to get much more lands, “No” is my answer. There could have been some, but not common. So if we meet even our friends in a different era, the friendship and everything could have been a total different story. How sad to think of it! The people who fought for their countries could have been friends if it was today!

     Still the world that we live in has war. But to make a place that we can live in peace is the assignment that we need to solve in this generation. Would you perfer to have many friend around the world, or to fight with them? Let us not repeat the mistakes that our forefathers made. By doing this, we can make a better world. Of course a world that is more closer to peace.




 Have you ever heard about Briquette-carrying? It is one of the famous winter volunteering works in Korea. What one have to do in this volunteering work is same to its name.
 Some poor regions in Korea where people are hard to afford fuel heater, they still use briquette to heat their house. However, compare to its cheap price, it can heat the room for 7 to 8 hours. So for the poor strata, briquette is really important resource for their living. 
 For these reasons, many society groups donate a lot of briquette to Korea shantytown(we call it dal-dong-ne) and volunteering groups deliver this to each houses where briquette is needed.

 And there is also a briquette bank. Not only society groups but also anyone can donate briquettes by donator's(their own) name. There are many branches of briquette bank. It is Non Governmental Organization so person who needs help can get free briquette from there.
  As the weather gets colder, our neighbor's hand is also getting colder. We can make their hand warm by just joining this little volunteering work. I didn't experienced this before but I think it can be a good chance to feel our neighbor's heart. 


Do it anyway

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.
You see,
in the final analysis it is between you and God;
it was never between you and them anyway.
-By. Mother Teresa

     This was Kent Keith's poem at first, but ever since Mother Teresa placed this poem on her children's home in different version, people knew that this was her poem. I like this poem a lot because there are many times that you need to think positive no matter what's going around you. Do not judge others or compare yourself to others. Just live your life! 



     You probably must have heard about Panmunjom. It is a place where Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, and it is considered one of the last vestiges of the Cold War. Now it is an abandoned village on the border between North and South Korea. It runs through the middle of the Demilitarized Zone. Panmunjom is still used for discussion between North and South or the United Nations Command. By North Korea, it has been renamed as the Peace Museum.

     Some of you might be confused with JSA (Joint Security Area) and Panmunjom. Actually, Panmunjom is the metonym of JSA. JSA is where South and North Korean forces stand face-to-face. 

     As we look back in the history, during Korean War, nations forces met North Korean and Chinese forces at Panmunjom for truce talks. The discussion was held for several months. The main point of the discussion was about the prisoners of war. They allowed the prisoners who refused to return to their countries to live under a neutral supervising commission for three months. At the end of this time, those who still refused repatriation would be released. Among those who refused repatriation were 22 Amercian and British POWs. 

     Truce doesn't mean it's end of the war. I would say Panmunjom is a tragic place where it divided Korea to half. When will South Koreans face North Koreans in face to face? When will the split families could get together? 

Photo Source:


In to the Storm, in to life

     What will you do after 25 years from now? Have you ever thought about that? Many people these days now make a self-video about themselves whom live in the present. The content is simple. I explain who I am, and the situations around myself to the ‘future me.’ So the 25 year older me, get to see the video. This is called a ‘time capsule.’ Not only screens or sense on the video, but it can be a thing or a stuff to remember. What will you say to the 25 year older me?

     Steven Quale made a disaster film about a tornado that is occurring in United States. It was about a documentary team whom wants to include a tornado scene in their films. And also about the villagers who lived nearby. So after you see the movie, there are many things that make you think about your life again. Nature doesn’t wait for human beings. It is ‘natural’ for the nature to move within its own will. What will you do? Will you fight against it? Or run away from it?

     I had a thought that even though you try, there are things in life that you just can’t help about it. It is okay, because it comes ‘naturally.’ Although some things are predictable, you have to face some. So what will it be?

     Also, enjoy the life you have now. Be thankful to the people who are next to you, and the situation around. What really matters, it that, you are alive and have the chance to enjoy all the things you have now. That is the important thing in life and to live in the present. By this way, the future will be better than what we thought of. Achieving peace and to make it happen is not that hard, it you think about it and take care of the future that is coming to us! Live the life that you have imagined!



Let's go together this way - Nam ju Kim

Let's go together this way
Three is better, two is also good
Don't say I go first, you come later
Also I left here, you go first
Twos and threes, go with arms around each other's shoulders
Hand in hand with comrade in the world of struggle
Tens and Thousands, share our fate.
Don't go alone though it is two.
Cross the field. Cross the mountain together
Fierce wave don't make us stop.
If we thirsty, rest at the town over the hill.
Sunset is coming, hurry to go this way
Road became dark
If you fall, I will make you stand up
If I fall, make me stand up
Up hill and down dale, some time or other we should go this way
Way of ordeal, and white
Someone should cross this field
Way of liberation,Way of unity,Throny path,White path
Take a rest though we didn't arrive
Leaning each other with our sour legs.

 This poem express that the unity is the way of ordeal and bramble but at the same time we have to walk the way of unity together
 I could feel the emotion of the poet through his expression of eager to peace in Korea.Just like this poem, we should solve the problem of division.

 Hope peace in world and Korea.


Hope for warmhearted world.

  I used to participate in voluntary service which was cleaning the town, especially picking up trashes along the river. I wasn't interested in voluntary service. But I felt heavy heart whenever I see the dirty road. So I joined voluntary club and started to cleaning my town also doing other activities(such as helping disabled person). After that, I felt happy whenever I see the clean road. And took a picture of it for making a piece of good memory

 I can feel many things by doing many kinds of voluntary service. Helping someone without any purpose makes society more beautiful. We can give a happiness to someone if we use our free time as volunteering.

 Happiness is like a virus, so it can be spread to others and makes them happy. I think that this is a charm of voluntary service. For example, cleaning which was foresaid, makes not only me but also others feel fresh and happy.

 There is a Korean 'Somewhere in the world is still warm' Industrialization caused heartlessness and many of us don't think about other's mind. But, by doing small volunteerings(picking up trashes), we can make others little more happier and smile together. I hope the world become warmer and peaceful and I think we can make it by considering the others.