
What is stronger than nuclear weapon?

What is stronger than nuclear weapon?

I’ve never seen such a passionate old man in peace movement. How could he visit all over the world and encourage people for his age? My grandmother is over 80years like Man Hee Lee but she can’t move very well.

What Man Hee Lee is doing makes me think a lot. How much are you doing in your efforts for meaningful work like bringing about peace as a youth? He entered Mindanao in Philippines which is still battle was going on without gun. My Filipino friend said she also didn’t expect that peace to come in Mindanao. The leader of Catholicism and Islam signed the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace with Chairman Man Hee Lee of peace advocate.

What I’ve always wanted to do was protect the global beautiful nature and environment. But, when I thought of that, if there’s no more war, environmental disruption will decrease. If we make the world a peaceful place, environmental disruption for selfish indiscriminate development will decrease. PEACE is economy, policy and reality.

One of his words moved my heart. What is stronger than nuclear weapon? The hearts of people who try to achieve peace in the world will be stronger than nuclear weapon. It’s clear that he is a peace advocate we need.  

He also asked journalists about their important mission. Every international media has to report about peace to achieve it fast. In an effort to do so, I‘m blogging about peace.  

Only those who have gone through the ravages of war know how precious peace is. It's like only those who have gone through communism know how precious democracy is. We should never forget how precious peace is. Let's have a mind to achieve peace which is stronger than nuclear weapon!


  1. Nuclear weapon can not bring us real peace but scare, we need more persons like Mr Man hee lee. We need hie spirit, mind and his heart that is full of world peace.

  2. Peace... this world definately need someone who provokes the voices for peace, deeply hidden in everybody's heart. Hope I also can be one of the voices for peace.

  3. Such a great person.Even i cant believe how he does such things in his age.In this century we want those kind of great personalities for win the world.In my country there was a civil war about 30 we were really fear to hear those war sound.Hope world war will finish and world peace come soon.When peace comes its better to delete the letter "WAR" from the dictionary know one know what war is.coz there is only one thing.That is PEACE.~

  4. Wow that is great idea! I really hope next generation have no idea about war.
    For me, thankfully, I didn't experienced war because of sacifice of our parents generation like Man Hee Lee.
