
HWPL Chair meets Palestinian President for peace resolution

HWPL Chair meets Palestinian President for peace resolution

The Intractable Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Finds a Practical Approach Towards Resolution

Palestine - President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine met with Mr. Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) on 4 December to discuss Chairman Lee’s proposal on the International Convention on the Renunciation and Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts. The meeting between the two leaders was also to discuss the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, referred as the world’s ‘most intractable conflict’, which needs a precise but immediate resolution.
 Having studied law at the University of Damascus, President Abbas strongly agreed with the urgent need of implementing the Convention, HWPL’s core peace initiative and the steps being taken to overcome the deficits of current international peace laws. Chairman Lee, a Korean War Veteran and peace advocate, has tirelessly pursued the work of peace ever since he experienced the atrocities youths experience and see while in the midst of war. He vowed to bring an end to military conscription and pointless conflict through the International Convention that requires governing bodies worldwide to provide practical and sustainable solutions to peace.

Chairman Lee said at the meeting that “without the implementation of an International Convention on the Cessation of War and International Armed Conflicts, world peace would remain a remote goal. Because law itself acts as watchman, no one can easily perpetuate violence and cause conflicts once the International Convention is set in stone.” Pleasantly surprised by the efforts and vision of Chairman Lee, President Abbas shared his experiences and presented the ways in which he will begin supporting HWPL’s peace campaigns. 

Ms. Vera Baboun, the first elected female mayor of Bethlehem also met Chairman Lee with Ms. Nam Hee Kim, Chairwoman of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG). Serving as a chairperson of the Board of Directors for Guidance and Training Center for Family and Children, as well as a gender studies researcher, Mayor Baboun was especially inspired and motivated by Chairwoman Kim’s dedication in empowering women in every sector of society through the IWPG Network. IWPG works in supporting women’s peace activities worldwide including conducting various volunteer services and providing academic education.

Chairwoman Kim said, “the implementation of the Convention will bring forth world peace when women of the world unite as one with the heart of a mother and urge for it. We, women, are the start of world peace.” Mayor Baboun asked the two chairpersons to join and deliver keynote speeches at the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Bethlehem’s Manger Square. Last year many renowned leaders, including Pope Francis, attended this ceremony. 
Chairman Lee and his delegation will be travelling to Albania and Kosovo to continue their journey of peace. 
Palestine TV airing on meeting between President Abbas and Chairman Lee

ManHeeLee of HWPL, True peace is possible with peace summit without war

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate for chairman of HWPL, Man Hee Lee because of his dedication for world peace. Before him I can't stop to move with him.
    Chairman Lee is 84 years old now. He has been rounding world trip 22 times since 4~5 years ago. Who can speak I'm too old to work for world peace before him?
    Whoever meet him can find out easily how deep is his passion for achieving world peace. I totally totally agree with his voice.
